For the Average Hacker, Your Small Business Is an Ideal Target

Headlines are full of cybersecurity breaches, and big businesses like Google and Facebook are some of the latest to fall victim to outside attacks. A vulnerability in Google+ is at least partially responsible for the company’s decision to shut down the platform for good, and a recent breach of Facebook’s network security may have compromised the personal information of almost 50 million users.

Of course, for such enormous companies, a breach is an embarrassing blip on the radar. Google is mostly terminating its social platform because no one uses it (the company reported that 90 percent of user sessions last less than five seconds), and the even the notorious Cambridge Analytica scandal cost Facebook a mere $644,000 in fines imposed by British regulators -- peanuts for a company bringing in almost $100,000 in revenue every minute. But what would a $600,000 fine do to your small businesses? MORE

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