Diagnostics, Interpretation & Guidance
Advisor Armor establishes the diagnostics needed to evaluate security and then the guidance to address such within budgetary constraints.
External and Internal Audits
The Advisor Armor provides detailed processes and tools that identify security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Testing: Define, identify, and classify the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure.
Penetration/Infrastructure Testing: Perform Ping Sweeps, Port Tests and various other vulnerability scans.
SSL Server Security: Test SSL/TLS implementation of any service on any port for compliance with PCI DSS requirements, HIPAA guidance and NIST guidelines.
Web Server Security: Test your Content Security Policy (CSP), HTTP Security Headers and overall web server security:
Domain Security: Find cybersquatted, typosquatted and phishing websites that may spoof your domain, corporate brand or digital identity:
Aimed to enable anyone to detect malicious domain activities targeting his, or her, domain name or brand the service searches for:
- Potential Cybersquatting
- Domains registered in different TLDs and owned by a third party
- Domains imitating domain names or business identity and owned by a third party
- Potential Typo squatting
- Domains with typos in body and owned by a third party
- Domains with typos in body and TLD and owned by a third party
- Potential Phishing
- Domains that try to visually impersonate your domain or brand and owned by a third party
- Domains that contain phishing content targeting your domain or brand users
- Domains that contain malicious content targeting your domain or brand users