​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Diagnostics, Interpretation & Guidance

Advisor Armor establishes the diagnostics needed to evaluate security and then the guidance to address such within budgetary constraints.

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

External and Internal Audits

The Advisor Armor provides detailed processes and tools that identify security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Testing:  Define, identify, and classify the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure.

Penetration/Infrastructure Testing:  Perform Ping Sweeps, Port Tests and various other vulnerability scans.

SSL Server Security:  Test SSL/TLS implementation of any service on any port for compliance with  PCI DSS requirements,  HIPAA guidance and  NIST guidelines.

Web Server Security:  Test your Content Security Policy (CSP), HTTP Security Headers and overall web server security:

Domain Security:   Find cybersquatted,  typosquatted and  phishing websites that may spoof your domain, corporate brand or digital identity:

Aimed to enable anyone to detect malicious domain activities targeting his, or her, domain name or brand the service searches for:

  • Potential Cybersquatting
  • Domains registered in different TLDs and owned by a third party
  • Domains imitating domain names or business identity and owned by a third party
  • Potential Typo squatting
  • Domains with typos in body and owned by a third party
  • Domains with typos in body and TLD and owned by a third party
  • Potential Phishing
  • Domains that try to visually impersonate your domain or brand and owned by a third party
  • Domains that contain phishing content targeting your domain or brand users
  • Domains that contain malicious content targeting your domain or brand users